F A C I L I T A T I O N + T R A I N I N G
Experience our highly-engaging corporate training and workshops.
Our leadership and professional development sessions are customized and are delivered in virtual, hybrid, or in-person formats.
Work with our network of expert consultants to help you facilitate high-stakes conversations. Experience our engaging, innovative, and collaborative process that gets you long-lasting results:
Book a Team or Board Building Retreat
Work better together with your team or board/leadership team to assess and improve your performance and align on a shared direction and goals.
Request a Leadership or Team Masterclass
A three-hour or half-day immersive experience to equip and upskill your team, managers, leaders, or board and guide your decision-making using creative and innovative methods. All sessions are tailored to your needs and can be requested as a single lab session/workshop or a bundle of 2 or more sessions. Our Masterclass training modules include:
Effective Leadership Communication Series:
Speak to Lead: Mastering Public Speaking for Thought Leadership Program
Communicating with Influence: Develop Your Executive Presence
Communicating under Pressure: Speak on the Spot with Confidence
Communicating with Impact: Connect with and Engage Large Audiences
Effective Stakeholder Engagement / Navigating Difficult Conversations Series:
Managing Disagreements and Conflict in Remote / Hybrid Teams
Strategies for Navigating Challenging Conversations at Work
Strategies for Building Trust and Consensus for High-Stakes Meetings
Facilitating Productive Meetings: Effective Meeting Facilitation Strategies for Better Decision-Making
Leadership and Team Innovation Lab Series:
Working Better Together: Introduction to Co-Design Innovation
Co-Designing Your Future Direction: Setting Your Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Goals
Co-Designing for Team Alignment: Navigating Change and Uncertainty with the Scenario Planning PLUS method
Innovation Bootcamp: 3 Creative Problem-solving Techniques for Successful Project Implementation
Request an Expert Facilitator for Your Meeting/Workshop
To guide your group through a topic / issue that matters to your organization. Brainstorm solutions and develop concrete action plans to improve an existing product, program, or service.
Ready to get started?
Bring people together and make better decisions – with a trusted advisor that delivers long-term results.